Source code for exactextract.exact_extract

import copy
import functools
import os
import warnings
from itertools import chain
from typing import Mapping, Optional

from .feature import (
from .operation import Operation, PythonOperation, change_stat, prepare_operations
from .processor import FeatureSequentialProcessor, RasterSequentialProcessor
from .raster import (
from .writer import GDALWriter, JSONWriter, PandasWriter, QGISWriter, Writer

__all__ = ["exact_extract"]

def make_raster_names(root: str, nbands: int) -> list:
    if root:
        if nbands > 1:
            return [f"{root}_band_{i + 1}" for i in range(nbands)]
            return [f"{root}"]
        if nbands > 1:
            return [f"band_{i + 1}" for i in range(nbands)]
            return [""]

def prep_raster_gdal(rast, name_root=None) -> list:
        # eagerly import gdal_array to avoid possible ImportError when reading raster data
        from osgeo import gdal, gdal_array  # noqa: F401

        if isinstance(rast, (str, os.PathLike)):
            rast = gdal.Open(str(rast))

        if isinstance(rast, gdal.Dataset):
            # Handle inputs such as a netCDF with multiple variables
            if rast.RasterCount == 0 and rast.GetSubDatasets():
                sources = []
                for subds, _ in rast.GetSubDatasets():
                        varname = gdal.GetSubdatasetInfo(subds).GetSubdatasetComponent()
                    except AttributeError:
                        varname = subds.split(":")[-1]
                    sources.append(prep_raster_gdal(subds, name_root=varname))
                return list(chain.from_iterable(sources))

            names = make_raster_names(name_root, rast.RasterCount)
            return [
                GDALRasterSource(rast, i + 1, name=names[i])
                for i in range(rast.RasterCount)
    except ImportError:

def prep_raster_rasterio(rast, name_root=None) -> list:
        import rasterio

        if isinstance(rast, (str, os.PathLike)):
            rast =

        if isinstance(rast, rasterio.DatasetReader):
            # Handle inputs such as a netCDF with multiple variables
            if rast.count == 0 and rast.subdatasets:
                sources = []
                for subds in rast.subdatasets:
                    varname = subds.split(":")[-1]
                    sources.append(prep_raster_rasterio(subds, name_root=varname))
                return list(chain.from_iterable(sources))

            names = make_raster_names(name_root, rast.count)
            return [
                RasterioRasterSource(rast, i + 1, name=names[i])
                for i in range(rast.count)
    except ImportError:

def prep_raster_xarray(rast, name_root=None) -> list:

        import rioxarray  # noqa: F401
        import xarray

        if isinstance(rast, xarray.core.dataset.Dataset):
            sources = [
                prep_raster_xarray(rast[varname], name_root=varname)
                for varname in rast.data_vars.keys()

            return list(chain.from_iterable(sources))

        if isinstance(rast, xarray.core.dataarray.DataArray):
            names = make_raster_names(name_root,
            return [
                XArrayRasterSource(rast, i + 1, name=names[i])
                for i in range(

    except ImportError:

def prep_raster(rast, name_root=None) -> list:
    # TODO add some hooks to allow RasterSource implementations
    # defined outside this library to handle other input types.
    if rast is None:
        return [None]

    if isinstance(rast, RasterSource):
        return [rast]

    if type(rast) in (list, tuple):
        if all(isinstance(src, (str, os.PathLike)) for src in rast):
            sources = [
                prep_raster(src, name_root=os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(src))[0])
                for src in rast
            sources = [prep_raster(src) for src in rast]
        return list(chain.from_iterable(sources))

    for loader in (prep_raster_gdal, prep_raster_rasterio, prep_raster_xarray):
        sources = loader(rast, name_root)
        if sources:
            return sources

    raise Exception("Unhandled raster datatype")

def prep_vec(vec):
    # TODO add some hooks to allow FeatureSource implementations
    # defined outside this library to handle other input types.
    if isinstance(vec, FeatureSource):
        return vec

    if type(vec) is list and len(vec) > 0 and "geometry" in vec[0]:
        return JSONFeatureSource(vec)

    if type(vec) is dict and "geometry" in vec:
        return JSONFeatureSource([vec])

        from osgeo import gdal, ogr

        if isinstance(vec, (str, os.PathLike)):
            vec = ogr.Open(str(vec))

        if isinstance(vec, (gdal.Dataset, ogr.DataSource, ogr.Layer)):
            return GDALFeatureSource(vec)
    except ImportError:

        import fiona

        if isinstance(vec, (str, os.PathLike)):
            vec =

        if isinstance(vec, fiona.Collection):
            return JSONFeatureSource(vec)
    except ImportError:

        import geopandas

        if isinstance(vec, geopandas.GeoDataFrame):
            return GeoPandasFeatureSource(vec)
    except ImportError:

        import qgis.core

        if isinstance(vec, qgis.core.QgsVectorLayer):
            return QGISFeatureSource(vec)

    except ImportError:

    raise Exception("Unhandled feature datatype")

def prep_ops(stats, values, weights=None, *, add_unique=False):
    if type(stats) is str or isinstance(stats, Operation) or callable(stats):
        stats = [stats]

    if weights is None:
        weights = []

    ops = []

    for stat in stats:
        if type(stat) is str:
            ops += prepare_operations([stat], values, weights)
        elif callable(stat):
            # We want to hook into the value/weight looping and column-naming
            # functionality of prepare_operations, but we cannot create a
            # PythonOperation from inside prepare_operations. So we create a
            # set of dummy operations using a named stat and use properties of
            # these operations to create a set of PythonOperations.
            nargs = stat.__code__.co_argcount
            if nargs == 3:
                dummy_stat = "weighted_sum"
            elif nargs == 2:
                dummy_stat = "count"
                raise Exception(
                    f"Summary operation {stat.__name__} must take 2 or 3 arguments"

                for op in prepare_operations([dummy_stat], values, weights):
                  , stat.__name__),
            except RuntimeError as e:
                if "No weights provided" in str(e):
                    raise Exception(
                        f"No weights provided but {stat.__name__} expects 3 arguments"
        elif isinstance(stat, Operation):
            raise ValueError("Don't know how to handle stat", stat)

    if add_unique:
        need_unique = {}
        for op in ops:
            if op.stat in {"frac", "weighted_frac"}:
                need_unique[op.key()] = op
        for op in ops:
            if op.stat == "unique":
                del need_unique[op.key()]
        for op in need_unique.values():
            for unique_op in prepare_operations(
                [change_stat(op, "unique")], values, weights
       = "@delete@" +

    return ops

def prep_processor(strategy):
    processors = {
        "feature-sequential": FeatureSequentialProcessor,
        "raster-sequential": RasterSequentialProcessor,

    return processors[strategy]

def prep_writer(output, srs_wkt, options):
    if options is None:
        options = {}

    if isinstance(output, Writer):
        assert not options
        return output
    elif output == "geojson":
        return JSONWriter(**options)
    elif output == "pandas":
        return PandasWriter(srs_wkt=srs_wkt, **options)
    elif output == "qgis":
        return QGISWriter(srs_wkt=srs_wkt, **options)
    elif output == "gdal":
        return GDALWriter(srs_wkt=srs_wkt, **options)

    raise Exception("Unsupported value of output")

def crs_matches(a, b):
    if a.srs_wkt() is None or b.srs_wkt() is None:
        return True

    if a.srs_wkt() == b.srs_wkt():
        return True

        from osgeo import osr

        srs_a = osr.SpatialReference()
        srs_b = osr.SpatialReference()


        except AttributeError:

        return bool(srs_a.IsSame(srs_b))

    except ImportError:

        from pyproj import CRS

        crs_a = CRS.from_string(a.srs_wkt())
        crs_b = CRS.from_string(b.srs_wkt())

        return crs_a == crs_b

    except ImportError:

    return False

def warn_on_crs_mismatch(vec, ops):
    check_rast_vec = True
    check_rast_weights = True

    for op in ops:
        if check_rast_vec and not crs_matches(vec, op.values):
            check_rast_vec = False
                "Spatial reference system of input features does not exactly match raster.",

        if (
            and op.weights is not None
            and not crs_matches(vec, op.weights)
            check_rast_weights = False
                "Spatial reference system of input features does not exactly match weighting raster.",

[docs] def exact_extract( rast, vec, ops, *, weights=None, include_cols=None, include_geom=False, strategy: str = "feature-sequential", max_cells_in_memory: int = 30000000, grid_compat_tol: float = 1e-3, output: str = "geojson", output_options: Optional[Mapping] = None, progress=False, ): """Calculate zonal statistics. Args: rast: One or a list of :py:class:`RasterSource` object(s) or filename(s) that can be opened by GDAL/rasterio/xarray. vec: A :py:class:`FeatureSource` or filename that can be opened by GDAL/fiona ops: A list of :py:class:`Operation` objects, or strings that can be used to construct them (e.g., ``"mean"``, ``"quantile(q=0.33)"``). Check out :doc:`Available operations </operations>` for more information. weights: An optional :py:class:`RasterSource` or filename for weights to be used in weighted operations. include_cols: An optional list of columns from the input features to be included into the output. include_geom: Flag indicating whether the geometry should be copied from the input features into the output. strategy: Specifies the strategy to use when processing features. Detailed performance notes are available in :ref:`Performance - Processing strategies <performance-processing-strategies>`. Must be set to one of: - ``"feature-sequential"`` (the default): iterate over the features in ``vec``, read the corresponding pixels from ``rast``/``weights``, and compute the summary operations. This offers predictable memory consumption but may be inefficient if the order of features in ``vec`` causes the same, relatively large raster blocks to be read and decompressed many times. - ``"raster-sequential"``: iterate over chunks of pixels in ``rast``, identify the intersecting features from ``vec``, and compute statistics. This performs better than ``strategy="feature-sequential"`` in some cases, but comes at a cost of higher memory usage. max_cells_in_memory: Indicates the maximum number of raster cells that should be loaded into memory at a given time. grid_compat_tol: require value and weight grids to align within ``grid_compat_tol`` times the smaller of the two grid resolutions output: An :py:class:`OutputWriter` or one of the following strings: - "geojson" (the default): return a list of GeoJSON-like features - "pandas": return a ``pandas.DataFrame`` or ``geopandas.GeoDataFrame``, depending on the value of ``include_geom`` - "gdal": write results to disk using GDAL/OGR as they are written. This option (with ``strategy="feature-sequential"``) avoids the need to maintain results for all features in memory at a single time, which may be significant for operations with large result sizes such as ``cell_id``, ``values``, etc. output_options: an optional dictionary of options passed to the :py:class:`writer.JSONWriter`, :py:class:`writer.PandasWriter`, or :py:class:`writer.GDALWriter`. progress: if `True`, a progress bar will be displayed. Alternatively, a function may be provided that will be called with the completion fraction and a status message. """ rast = prep_raster(rast) weights = prep_raster(weights, name_root="weight") vec = prep_vec(vec) if output_options is None: output_options = {} ops = prep_ops( ops, rast, weights, add_unique=output_options.get("frac_as_map", False) ) warn_on_crs_mismatch(vec, ops) if "frac_as_map" in output_options: output_options = copy.copy(output_options) del output_options["frac_as_map"] output_options["map_fields"] = { "frac": ("unique", "frac"), "weighted_frac": ("unique", "weighted_frac"), } if type(include_cols) is str: include_cols = [include_cols] Processor = prep_processor(strategy) writer = prep_writer(output, vec.srs_wkt(), output_options) processor = Processor(vec, writer, ops, include_cols) if include_geom: processor.add_geom() processor.set_max_cells_in_memory(max_cells_in_memory) processor.set_grid_compat_tol(grid_compat_tol) if progress: processor.show_progress(True) if callable(progress): processor.set_progress_fn(progress) elif progress is True: try: import tqdm bar = tqdm.tqdm(total=100) def status(frac, message): pct = frac * 100 bar.update(pct - bar.n) bar.set_description(message) if pct == 100: bar.close() except ImportError: def status(frac, message): print(f"[{frac * 100:0.1f}%] {message}") processor.set_progress_fn(status) else: raise ValueError("progress should be True or a function") processor.process() writer.finish() return writer.features()